Monday 4 March 2013

How to choose a favourite book

Today my English teacher asked the question: ‘If there was one book you could take with you on a desert island which would it be?’
Now for some, this is a very easy question to answer, but I found I had a very hard time making a decision. I mean, just one book? How can I choose just one?! I would have to bring at least five, and even then I wouldn’t be able to decide which to take. Do I take a book I’ve read before? If I do that, how do I know that I won’t get bored reading it again? Or I could take a book I’ve never read, but this could be dodgy. How do I know I will enjoy it? I could end up burying it in the sand, never to be seen again, and then where would I be? Alone on a desert island with nothing to do. However, after much thought I have finally come to a decision. I would, without a doubt, have to take ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’ by Stephen Chbosky.
The first time I encountered this book was while browsing my local bookshop. Now, while this shop isn’t even half the size of an Eason or Hughes and Hughes, and doesn’t have nearly a quarter of the selection that’s in either of these, I find the books I have enjoyed the most have always come from this little shop.  This time was no different. I was drawn to the book. The cover was very eye catching. The black writing on top of the cream page filled with orange writing really stood out. Upon sighting it I immediately walked towards it, desperate to see if the story behind the cover would be nearly as fantastic as the cover. To be honest, when I read the blurb, I wasn’t so sure.

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